Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Favorite Photos: Brotherly Love, Matthew & Nathan

My Grandsons, Matthew and Nathan

Two little sets of footprints, 
Two dirty little faces,
They'll catch frogs and chase puppy dogs,
Play ball and run some races.
Unknown of yet where life will lead
Or how the story will end,
No matter what path they walk upon,
I hope they'll be best friends.
They'll share with each other the memories
Of life they lived together,
They'll give each other the gift of laughter,
To carry them through stormy weather.
One day they'll look back through the years
And will find inside their hearts,
As long as they share brotherly love,
They will never be apart.

(Author unknown)

A post from my personal journal, 
dated April 26, 2009

Matthew and Nathan are the sons of Ryan Wesley & Cristina Fae Bourgoyne Curry