John Warren, my paternal 6th great-grandfather, was born c. 1725 in Virginia. He was in Craven County, South Carolina by the 1750's. He married Martha Dubose c. 1751-1752, the daughter of John Dubose and Mary Whilden. She was born c. 1730 in Jamestown, South Carolina.
There are records of three land grants to John Warren in Craven County (later Florence County), South Carolina, the first dated 07 January 1752 (see following image) which included 100 acres on the north side of Lynches Creek, bounded on the east by Henry Sparrow. Additional land grants included 300 acres on the northeast side of Lynches Creek dated 13 December 1764 and 100 acres on Sparrow Swamp dated 03 October 1769. On 05 May 1758, John Warren signed a petition for a road to be built from near Lynches Creek to Charleston, South Carolina.
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Land description, 100 acres granted to John Warren on 07 Jan 1752 |
Another early record showing the family of John Warren in South Carolina was the register book for Prince Frederick Parish, Winyah. Before the American Revolution, the state church of South Carolina was the Church of England (Protestant Episcopal Church). The church of Prince Frederick Parish, Winyah was one of the oldest in the state, formed in 1734. It served part of Craven County between 1734-1768. The old church register book contains the name and baptismal date of John Warren, "the Son of John Warren and Martha his wife, born December 18th 1752 Baptized May 29th 1753".
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Excerpt from the Register book for Prince Frederick Parish, Winyah, page 30, showing the name of John Warren |
In 1775, John Warren served under the command of Captain Elias Dubose in the Volunteer Independent Company of St. David's Parish (now Darlington County), South Carolina. His son, John Jr. and son-in-law, John Norwood, were in the same unit. Also serving in the same company were John Pigott, Sr and his sons, John Jr and Nathaniel. The Warren's and Pigott's maintained close ties and some of the members of both families would later marry and reside near each other in Liberty County, Georgia. John and Martha's sons, John Jr, Elias and Joseph served the latter part of the Revolutionary War in Georgia under the command of General Andrew Williamson in the regiment of Colonel John Thomas. In 1792, John Jr, Elias and Jesse Warren (and John Pigott) were listed as militia spies in the company of Lt. Colonel Daniel Stewart (see following image). Jesse Warren was John Jr.'s oldest son.
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Clark, Murtie June, American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796, Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
It is speculated that John and Martha Warren moved to Georgia c. 1780-1790, following their sons whom had been given land grants in the area around Liberty County. In the 1805 Land Lottery list from Liberty County, Georgia, John Warren Sr was issued two draws, John Jr was issued two draws, John 3rd was issued one draw and winner, Penelop Warren (widow of Joseph) was issued two draws, and Samuel Warren was issued two draws. In Bryan County, next to Liberty County, Jesse Warren was issued two draws. In the 1807 Land Lottery for Liberty County, Martha Warren (widow of John Sr) was issued one draw and John Warren Jr was issued two draws. It is assumed that John Warren Sr. died c. 1806. It is also speculated that his wife, Martha, died c. 1808 in Liberty County, Georgia.
Children of John Warren and Martha Dubose:
i. John Warren Jr. (1752-1821), married 1773 Elizabeth Perkins, daughter of Samuel Perkins and G Rees. She was baptized 22 Oct 1761 at Prince Frederick Parish Winyah, Craven County, South Carolina. John was baptized 29 May 1753 in the same parish. He served in the Revolutionary War in Capt. Elias DuBose' Company of Volunteer Militia from St David's Parish in 1776. He later also served in the 6th Company, Col. John Thomas' Regiment, Georgia Militia, February 1778, for which he received land in Liberty County, Georgia. They moved to Liberty County, Georgia, by 1783, were he was a deacon at the Midway Church 1791-1810, and Justice of the Peace in December, 1791. In 1810, they moved to Sandy Hook, Mississippi, on the Pearl River just opposite the point where the Louisiana State Line meets the river. After Elizabeth's death, John married 28 Jun 1816 Sarah Ann Watkins Lott, widow of Arthur K Lott.
ii. Mary Warren (c.1754-3 Aug 1831) m.12 Apr 1774 Capt. John Norwood (c1750-c1829) lived in Darlington District, South Carolina. (I doubt estimates of her birth in 1750, because she, too, would have been baptized on 29 May 1753, when 85 children from the community were baptized, including her brother and four cousins. 35 were baptized the next Sunday.
iii. Elias Warren (c1756-1825) m.22 Dec 1788 Susannah Burford married in Liberty County, Georgia, moved to Marion County, Mississippi, between 1817 and 1820. Served in the Revolutionary War (see above notes).
iv. Martha Warren (c.1760-1831) m. John Pigott, son of John and Elizabeth Pigott in Libety County, Georgia; moved to Marion County, Mississippi with other family members.
v. Joseph Warren (c1760-between 1797 and 1805) married Penelope (Lott?) Ratcliff; died in Bryan County, Georgia, one source says 1 Mar 1797; widow Penelope had a widow’s draw in the 1805 Land Lottery. In March, 1806, in Liberty County, John Warren (Jr) was appointed guardian for Joseph’s minor children (under age 14) John, Sarah, Elias, and Solomon.
Some of the information on the children of John Warren and Martha Dubose obtained from Warren family group sheets, online history at and from the research of J. Liptrap, click here to view his notes.
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